Release your inner firework

What creative magic is inside of you that isn’t seen, heard or understood?


For creative people, it can be extremely difficult to go through life without creating. It always feels as though something is not quite right. Imagine an artist who wasn’t able to paint, or a performer with no access to the stage. The absence of creative outlets can cause pressure to amalgamate.

Many people (us included) are guilty of bottling up their worries and insecurities or of not providing themselves with the necessary channels for self-expression. But by doing so, the thoughts and feelings associated with these can multiply inside of us, negatively impacting our mental wellbeing – or worse, lead to larger problems such as depression.

We spoke to fellow creatives to describe their experience of keeping their creative desires and problems to themselves. What did they say? Unsurprisingly it was described as ‘feels like screaming’ and ‘sheer frustration and dysfunctional living’. The impact of not following our path and finding an outlet has grave consequences.

It isn’t always easy to listen to our minds, our bodies and our hearts, or to even realise something isn’t right. Being in tune with ourselves requires noticing where there’s resistance.

Resistance is a part of the creative struggle and whatever that resistance looks like to you – whether it’s fear of failure, imposter syndrome, memories, regrets of when you didn’t speak up, thoughts of being not good enough, or simply never feeling the time is right. Each time we attempt to avoid, distract, or bury our feelings or needs it’s like it takes away a piece of our power. We may never ‘feel like it’, but we can always make a decision to try something different.  

When coaching clients we notice where there is resistance, and we intentionally go there. We go there because we want to get curious and explore what is really meaningful for people. If you are feeling resistance you are given a big clue that this is something you care about. What to do? 

1.     Get curious! 

Sit alone in a quiet space and notice your thoughts and feelings – get curious about them and ask why. For example; why do I feel hopeless or as though I’m stuck in a rut? What would I like to be doing? Why do I feel embarrassed... I wonder if this is something others can relate to. How could I use this feeling?

2.     Talk

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Some things can’t be repeated enough. Talk. Talk to a friend, a family member, a colleague or a mentor. Pour your thoughts onto a piece of paper. If it really hurts, pick up the phone to the Samaritans, they know how to listen.

3.     Take action

When we act, we are putting ourselves in the driving seat. We are ‘choosing’ a way forward. If it doesn’t work, we can reflect and choose another way. By taking action, we are allowing ourselves the possibility of moving through this which can release the pressure. Whilst we’re exploring and trying new ideas we are more likely to stumble upon something that sparks our passions.

4.     Consider using the fear or mistakes to inform your creative work

In drama the action takes place with conflict, errors and mishaps and are a part of what makes dramas so relatable. Improvisation so funny, clowning so entertaining and magic so enticing! The beauty of theatre is in the emotions portrayed and the ability for audiences to connect to these.  Stories are powerful when they have a piece of ourselves in them. Often artists’ most significant works come from their lived experience of places of desolation. Don’t let your mood keep you from creating – use what you have, at the time and place you have it – and see where it takes you. 

5.     Love, nurture and move your body

Our body is our biggest teacher. We can tune into it and choose to love it and lather it with self-care, or we can infuse it with nutrients. Physicality is linked to our thoughts and feelings and as soon as we get active, we release those mood improving endorphins, actively dispersing the build-up of stressors.

This fireworks night, we’re encouraging you to release what’s inside.

Our question for you: What are you holding onto that needs to be released? Because if you don’t – you might explode. But if you light your own spark, you can create your own beautiful fireworks.


Written by Ldn Dares Artistic Director and Body Confidence Coach Ursula Joy